Uncovering Human Truths to (Re)Define Your Core Strategic Direction

Which of the following statements do you think resonates most deeply and subconsciously with Gen Z? Not in the way they might answer on a survey, but in a way that truly influences how they make decisions, live in society, and choose a workplace:


  • “We need to protect personal freedoms and a woman’s right to choose.”
  • “Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are essential for real growth.”
  • “The pursuit of happiness trumps the pursuit of wealth.”


The answer may shock you. (We’ll showcase the data at the end.)


Just as with Gen Z, uncovering hidden truths about consumers is critical for effective brand strategy. The most impactful campaigns are built on these insights—truths that aren’t immediately obvious but are essential for building authentic, lasting connections. These insights tap into the 90% of decision-making that occurs in the subconscious, beyond conscious awareness.


Take Liquid Death, for example—a brand that literally sells water in a can. Its success doesn’t hinge on the product but on the bold branding, rebellious name, and uncanny resemblance to a beer can. Mike Cessario, the founder, rooted the strategy in one potent, unspoken insight: people want to look cool at social events. Holding a plastic water bottle at a bar or concert can feel out of place—a subtle but deeply relatable truth.


As cultural landscapes shift, unlocking these hidden truths has become more complex. With Gen Z’s rising influence, social media trends evolving at breakneck speed, and increasing emphasis on politically correct and inclusive communication, understanding what genuinely motivates consumers is no easy task. Societal pressures and surface-level responses often obscure the deeper subtleties of what people truly want and feel.


This is where we come in.


At Neuro-Insight, we specialize in cutting through the noise to uncover these hidden consumer truths—whether affirming, uncomfortable, or outright surprising. Our proprietary SST™ technology allows us to tap into the subconscious, revealing the transformative insights that can revolutionize a brand’s strategy.


Through this approach, we have helped brands:


  • Uncover subconscious truths that deeply resonate with their audiences.
  • Define their brand’s role in responding to these insights.
  • Implement these findings to craft strategies that deliver impact.


In a world where the subconscious drives the majority of decisions, understanding these hidden truths isn’t just a competitive advantage—it’s essential for success.


Notice the data in the graph below.


The graph charts long-term memory formation—essentially, the brain’s declaration of using specific information in future decision-making. This memory formation is a crucial threshold for effectiveness: only information that exceeds this threshold has the potential to influence behavior.


Unfortunately, the concepts of protecting a woman’s right to choose and understanding that wealth is not synonymous with happiness did not elicit strong responses from this audience. While they may appear to resonate on the surface, these ideas failed to pass the effectiveness threshold required to influence behavior.


Our election results corroborate this truth—one that was not apparent in traditional surveys.


How we do it (mock): Using neuroscience, we are able to uncover what ideas do / do not resonance with audiences at a second-by-second level.


Visit our contact page to inquire about specific strategy needs and how we can help your brand make the subconscious conscious.