Leveraging Neuro to Understand the Science of Sound
The Challenge
What does the brain look like on music? And, should advertisers rethink their media planning based on the power of digital audio? Our first challenge was to understand how music (by genre) triggers relevance (engagement), emotional intensity, memory, and more. Our second challenge was to research and understand the role of digital audio as a brand creator and consideration driver in the marketing mix.
Our Findings
We found that music allows listeners to be in touch with their emotions, elevate mood, and connect with others. Music matters because the feeling of personal relevance stays high even throughout the ads. Spotify’s ad solutions are impactful in creating ad memorability, personal relevance, and overall narrative connection.
Our Solution
Why does the science of sound matter for advertisers and creatives? Our learnings suggest that digital audio is a branding tool for advertisers wanting to make deeper, more personal connections and for content creators wanting to build relationships and trust. Digital audio brings authenticity and rawness to the forefront of creative.
Sound Has a Distinct Neurological Impact
GIF Courtesy of Spotify Advertising